Saturday, March 15, 2008

Thing 17. ELM Productivity Tools

Lots of stuff to do here: Gale, Ebsco, Proquest dbs, and Netlibrary to boot. It's very cool that ELM provides these resources; I mean, we get 'em through my library, but making them available as a MN-wide resource is a tremendous value. This brings to mind a pet peeve I've long had of the "industry"--we give so much good stuff to folks, but it's not promoted beyond a library's website or via the print lit a library puts out, or perhaps through an article in the paper somewhere. How about some of those hard-earned dues we pay to the various pro orgs: ALA, MLA in Minnesota, etc., going into TV or online PSA's that promote stuff like the ELM dbs?

In doing this Thing, some of the detail-stuff didn't work as described. That's to be expected. But for the most part, it's great being able to do research and then make it available to yourself or to colleagues via RSS or a webpage. I guess I do question the need for the latter, but I supposed having results published in HTML provides web-based accessibility that elimates the need for sending the same material in an e-mail attachment, etc. The more avoiding PDF, the better as far as I'm concerned.

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