Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Thing 3. Keeping Up. RSS

RSS is like so cool. One-stop delivery of s-o-o-o much info--I like it. I use Bloglines, 'cause I find it easy to add/delete and organize blogs I'm interested in. Let's see, at this point, I've got 50 blogs coming in, about 70% active posts. (of course, that, the problem: once you subscribe, the person doing the blog might just take a hiatus for a while. Or the company. Google Librarian Central, for example, has totally dropped the ball. No postings from them since last June. Not even a hasty be-seeing-ya or anything. I know they're busy, but....) These 50 are organized into four folders, either because I like to keep things simple, or because I'm just not very interesting--Library, Technology, Politics, Arts and Music. The biggest folder is Libraries, with twenty-eight blogs; Arts and Music is the smallest. Oh, I've got a few blogs that don't fit into a folder-types sitting around, too. One is from a guy who used to write about the T-wolves in City Pages before the Village Voice schmo's bought it out and stupified it. His name's Britt Robson and he knows b-ball far better than the team he covers plays it.

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